Ten Reasons You Should Consider Flute Lessons

Learning to play the flute is a magical, potentially life-long journey! There are so many incredible skills that come from learning an instrument and the lifelong enjoyment and outlet you get from having such a magical skill is unparalleled. Music provides mental and physical health benefits, along with social opportunities, soft skills, and even the potential for professional gain. Musicians have a fulfilling creative outlet to channel their emotions into and even sometimes side-hustle income streams, if you’re into that. Your life will truly be better for having picked up this instrument, particularly with the guidance of a seasoned teacher, but you’ll have to read on to find out more.

  1. Discovery

Discovering the flute is such a magical time. Spending time learning a new instrument from scratch can be rewarding, fun, and even at times infatuating. The very beginning of learning an instrument can feel obsessive for those that feel an immediate call the way that I did when I was 11 years old starting band class. The flute is an incredibly versatile instrument, bringing to life colors ranging from bright and bird-like to morose or even macabre. Because there are so many parallels between the flute and the human voice, we have the ability to really be creative with the tonality that comes from the flute, so discovering it can be a real life-altering experience. Flute is also known across many cultures to have significance when it comes to healing and therapy, so it’s often used as a therapeutic and meditative instrument. From Mozart's Concertos to Jethro Tull, the flute has made its way into so many aspects of music, and you can do nearly anything you wish to do with it. The possibilities are simply endless, and with the help of a well-rounded flute teacher, you’ll be able to discover all that you’d like to discover within the scope of flute playing and blossom into a creative, curious player.

2. Joy

Having a musical experience can be breathtaking. Creating beautiful music completely yourself can be an experience unlike any other. Flute is an incredibly versatile and fun instrument that you can use to create all kinds of music. Learning the flute can be fun, enriching, and is such a beautiful outlet and way to expand your mind. I find joy almost every time I pick up my flute. It gives me opportunities to work alone, but also collaborate with others. I get to marvel in the beautiful music I create. Students that I work with talk about losing themselves in the music and creative aspects of being a flutist and I love it. Flute should, and will, make you feel good.

3. Cognitive Benefits

Cognitive abilities are, according to experts, improved with learning and instruments. Not only do musicians have higher levels of reasoning skills, memory, focus, and problem-solving skills, but also have higher levels of emotional intelligence, being able to channel and use the flute as a healthy emotional outlet. The act of practicing by itself improves focus, especially when we incorporate mindfulness into the equation. Even according to the NIH, young children who learn an instrument have higher-level problem-solving skills, verbal abilities, and general reasoning skills.

4. Emotional Expression and Stress Relief

Playing the flute can serve as a powerful form of emotional expression. You’re able to play so many different types of pieces with different emotional interpretations. Using an instrument as an outlet can help build emotional intelligence. Incorporating mindfulness into your routine can also help build those skills and work hand-in-hand to help manage stress and anxiety. Lots of musicians report that playing an instrument helps lower their blood pressure, grounding them in reality, and teaching them to manage their emotions in a healthy way.

5. Boosting Creativity and Imagination

Being a musician builds creativity. Interpretation of music, emotional channeling, and musical skills all the way around help build creative skills. Improvisation and composition are a wonderful way to be creative. Being creative with the flute can come in lots of forms, just take Ian Andersen from Jethro Tull, Robert Dick, and Lizzo. They’ve pushed the bounds with 20th-century flute techniques and flute in rock and pop settings. You can be creative with the flute. Use your imagination.

6. Social Opportunities and Community Engagement

Not only is flute a great solo activity, but there are tons of community activities that can help you be social and meet people with like interests. Community bands, flute choirs, orchestras, even small chamber groups, bands, private lessons, etc. all expose you to people in the same niche. Flute lessons can lead to new friendships through studio gatherings, recitals, masterclasses, and also networking opportunities with other instrumentalists. There are tons of community events and gatherings that can involve flute players - you just need to look around.

7. Transferable Skills to Everyday Life

Learning to play the flute isn't just about creating beautiful music; it's also about developing a set of skills that can be incredibly valuable in everyday life. One of the most obvious skills is discipline. Practicing the flute requires dedication, consistency, and a strong work ethic, all of which are essential traits in any area of life. Moreover, playing the flute teaches patience, as progress often comes slowly, but the rewards are worth the wait. Additionally, mastering the flute requires keen listening skills and the ability to express emotions through music, fostering a deep sense of empathy and emotional intelligence. Furthermore, the ability to read and interpret sheet music enhances cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving and pattern recognition. Ultimately, the flute offers not only a means of artistic expression but also a unique pathway to personal growth and self-improvement that extends far beyond the confines of the music studio.

8. Flute as a Lifelong Hobby

Flute is a lifelong hobby and can be enjoyed regardless of age. Flute is fun, creative, and beautiful, and most people find that picking up an instrument is something that they stick with for years. Even adult learners find ease and enjoyment in picking up the flute, using it as a form of stress relief, a practice in mindfulness, and a joyful activity to help them feel happy. I teach many students who picked up flute later in life and enjoy their instruments to no end.

9. Flute as a Professional Pursuit

Skilled flute players find success in the instrument as a professional pursuit. There are tons of opportunities for work in instrumental fields, including playing in professional orchestras, playing in wedding and event chamber groups, pit orchestras, teaching, workshopping, etc. Finding success in the music industry isn’t easy and it takes work, but if the path speaks to you, then it’s 100% worth the pursuit. Remember that the pursuit to be a professional musician takes lots of work, schooling, and creative thinking, so be prepared for a career filled with excitement, changes, etc. Musicians can consider this when deciding if they’re going to play an instrument.

10. Stepping Outside of the Traditional Mold

It takes a lot to be a musician. Not everyone can do it, so it’s something to be proud of, for sure. It’s also something that puts you outside of the traditional mold, so if you’re looking for a hobby that helps you stand out from the crowd, consider flute playing as that hobby. Consider it as your career. Consider it as something incredible to enhance your life with. Flute lessons are a great way to be different, build skills, and build a hobby that you love for years to come.

If you’re considering flute lessons, I’m accepting students. Send me an email or click below to book your first lesson with me! I’d love to partner with you and get you where you’d like to be with your flute.


Preparing for Flute Auditions: Tips and Strategies for Success


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