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3 Ways to Improve Your Flute Tone
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

3 Ways to Improve Your Flute Tone

Struggling with your flute tone? Here are 3 ways you can work to improve it, courtesy of a flute teacher with 20+ years of experience.

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5 Essential Tips for Beginner Flutists
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

5 Essential Tips for Beginner Flutists

Flute is such an incredible instrument, so first of all, yay! You’ve chosen a fun instrument that can do a variety of things - classical, jazz, even rock and metal. The possibilities with flute are endless, but we do need to make it through the basics to get to the really fun stuff. So, I have five essential tips for you to fly your way through the basics and become an incredible flutist. Proper posture, breath control, finger placement, a great practice routine, and the ability to seek guidance are some of the most important things to keep in mind when beginning your flute journey on the right foot.

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Breathing Exercises for Flutists
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

Breathing Exercises for Flutists

Flutists’ most significant asset and adversary is often the breath. It takes as much air to play the flute as it does a tuba, so we need lungs of steel to make it happen. Breath is also a key factor in anxiety control and stage fright management. I deal with high levels of nerves, so breathing exercises not only help me build my lung support and play my instrument, but they also help me deal with performance anxiety and nerves. Here are a few of my favorites.

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How Do I Get Better at Flute?
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

How Do I Get Better at Flute?

I know, I know, we all want to get better at this thing that we love. Sometimes it’s tough to figure out exactly how, especially if you’re a self-taught flute player. I’m so excited that you’re here, though, because I’m going to give you my best tips to getting better at the flute!

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Why Is My Flute Tone So Airy?
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

Why Is My Flute Tone So Airy?

Oh, the struggle of every flutist, ever. From the complete beginner to the professional flutist, we have all struggled with our flute tone at some point or another. So, to make sure your tone isn’t airy, let’s try a few tweaks and exercises.

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Three Tricks to Improve your Flute’s Middle Register
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

Three Tricks to Improve your Flute’s Middle Register

It’s not abnormal to struggle with your middle register - from the beginner airy notes to intermediate note cracks to advanced intonation - this is a tricky spot on the flute. While it doesn’t seem like it would be, the second octave C natural through E natural can give flutists of all calibers difficulty over the course of their careers. Here are my top three tricks to improve that middle register and avoid some of the frustration that comes with the middle register of the flute.

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The Secrets to Clean Articulation on Flute
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

The Secrets to Clean Articulation on Flute

Articulation is a delicate balance between your fingers, breath, and tongue. It takes practice, practice, practice, but here are a few essential tips for clean tonguing and beautiful articulation on the flute.

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