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3 Ways to Improve Your Flute Tone
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

3 Ways to Improve Your Flute Tone

Struggling with your flute tone? Here are 3 ways you can work to improve it, courtesy of a flute teacher with 20+ years of experience.

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Flute Tone for Fuller Lips
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

Flute Tone for Fuller Lips

Are you struggling with your flute tone as a person with fuller lips? Click here to learn a few ways you can correct your embouchure to better accommodate your body!

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Breathing Exercises for Flutists
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

Breathing Exercises for Flutists

Flutists’ most significant asset and adversary is often the breath. It takes as much air to play the flute as it does a tuba, so we need lungs of steel to make it happen. Breath is also a key factor in anxiety control and stage fright management. I deal with high levels of nerves, so breathing exercises not only help me build my lung support and play my instrument, but they also help me deal with performance anxiety and nerves. Here are a few of my favorites.

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Is Is Too Late to Learn Flute?
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

Is Is Too Late to Learn Flute?

When I began teaching flute, I heard a lot from adults that would say, “I would love to learn (or re-learn) the flute but I’m just too old. This is SO far from the truth. We spend so much of our time being worried about being “too old” for something for a few reasons - one, we’re afraid we will look silly doing an activity that children often do in school, and two, we are concerned we won’t have enough time to get good. But, here’s the thing - enjoying a hobby and enjoying your life isn’t about “being good” and you will never, ever look silly if you’re enjoying something!

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Why Is My Flute Tone So Airy?
Cassie OHanlon Cassie OHanlon

Why Is My Flute Tone So Airy?

Oh, the struggle of every flutist, ever. From the complete beginner to the professional flutist, we have all struggled with our flute tone at some point or another. So, to make sure your tone isn’t airy, let’s try a few tweaks and exercises.

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