December Studio News

December is such an exciting month in the music world! There’s music everywhere! Not only do we focus on ornamentation (trills, mordents, etc.) to make our music fun and flashy, but we also work on holiday-themed music and an extra special holiday project for family. It’s such a fun time of year to be a musician!

This month, I’m working to make it to all of my students’ concerts. Those that are involved in band are working hard on their repertoire, so we take some extra time out to look over those pieces during lesson time.

This time of year is so special and fun to all of my students, but it can also be extremely stressful with concerts, exams, and holiday plans, so we make sure to take some extra time out to stretch, breathe, and mindfully reflect on how things are going and where we want to go.

I’m so proud of my students and where they’re headed. It’s been an absolute delight to work with everyone this year and I’m so looking forward to continuing the musical conversation!

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
— Hamilton Wright-Mabie

Setting Musical Goals in 2023